| 1. | Technical measures to strengthen currency board system 巩固货币发行局制度的技术性措施 |
| 2. | Technical measures to trade in the united states 访美国国家标准技术研究院 |
| 3. | Technical measure on raise the survival rate of the nestling 提高雏鸡成活率的技术措施 |
| 4. | The technical measures of dropping mine ventilation resistance 降低矿井通风阻力的技术措施 |
| 5. | Technical measures against electricity stealing 防止窃电的技术措施 |
| 6. | On technical measures against the quality of structural columns 确保构造柱施工质量的技术措施 |
| 7. | Joseph yam on the seven technical measures 任志刚谈七项技术性措施 |
| 8. | Technical measures to improve yield of hybrid maise production 提高杂交玉米制种产量的技术措施 |
| 9. | Exploring technical measures system on food safety of japan 日本食品安全技术性贸易措施体系解析 |
| 10. | Technical measures to prevent and decrease cracks of buildings 预防和减少建筑工程裂缝的技术措施 |